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Is This Episode a Deepfake? – What’s Brewing Podcast (Episode 9)

This post is part of a series sponsored by IAT Insurance Group. In this special episode...

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Is This Episode a Deepfake? – What’s Brewing Podcast (Episode 9)

This post is part of a series sponsored by IAT Insurance Group. In this special episode...

National plan for structural resiliency

What is the comprehensive plan for structural resilience to natural disasters? Resilience extends beyond individual buildings and cities; it requires a regional and...

Understanding Coverage Essentials for Businesses

Also known as business insurance, this specialized coverage acts as a shield against a spectrum of potential threats, including property damage, liability issues,...

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Are Catastrophe Claims Adjusters Being Overworked, Provided Too Many Losses to Properly Handle, Provided Wrong Directions to Adjust Losses, or Simply Being Asked to...

I am snowed in after taking the deposition of a 1099 temporary claims adjuster in South Carolina. Much of his testimony has me...

Claims File Transparency | Property Insurance Coverage Law Blog

The Florida House Insurance and Banking Subcommittee was obviously upset with rising insurance rates and poor claims handling, as noted in Participate In Your...

History of Valued Policy Laws

As a follow-up to yesterday’s post, California is Not a Valued Policy Law State—California Has a Valued Policy Law for Valued Policies, it...

California is Not a Valued Policy Law State—California Has a Valued Policy Law for Valued Policies

I always try to keep an open mind when I am told something and I do not think it is right based on...

Compassionate advocacy for policyholders | Property Insurance Coverage Law Blog Millions of Americans have faced an escalating crisis with their homeowners’ insurance. Premiums have soared, and coverage options have dwindled, leaving countless families...

Is Allstate Taking Advantage of Policyholders?

As a loyal policyholder, you expect your insurance provider to prioritize your safety, security, and trust. Yet recent allegations against Allstate and its...

Badger Bazookas Merlin! | Property Insurance Coverage Law Blog

I lost an entire appraisal debate in the first few minutes against Good ‘ole Steve Badger. Simply knocked out. Badger got up early...

15 Tips on Naming an Insurance Agency

This post is part of a series sponsored by Darkhorse Insurance. Your agency name is more than just a label; it’s a reflection of...

Participate In Your Democracy—Even If You Are Called a Bazooka!

Florida’s insurance commissioner, Michael Yaworsky, referred to me yesterday as a Bazooka! As a kid, I pretended to be a bazooka soldier when...

Operation Bear Claw, Rampant Deer, and Key Holiday Coverage

This post is part of a series sponsored by AgentSync. State-by-state variations of laws, compliance protocols,...

Unseen Smoke and Visual Ash Dangers from Wildfires

John Putnam wrote an article warning about the dangers of smoke following wildfires, titled, Wildfire Smoke Claims: A Hidden Postwildfire Catastrophe. I made...

Panel Discussion on Homeowner’s Property Insurance Cost Drivers

The Florida House Insurance and Banking Subcommittee is holding a “Panel Discussion on Homeowner’s Property Insurance Cost Drivers.” I will participate as a panelist. I...