HomePet InsuranceWhat Coverage & Exclusions Are Common?

What Coverage & Exclusions Are Common?

Puppies have 28 teeth and often enjoy chewing on wooden furniture, rocks, and other items that aren’t labeled as “chew toys.” This can lead to foreign body ingestion and opens up the risk of tooth destruction.

As puppies age, they lose their baby teeth, and their adult teeth grow in. All breeds have 42 teeth as adults. Whether it’s playing with a toy, wrestling with a furry pal or pet parent, or getting injured accidentally by a car or something else, it’s common for dogs to experience dental issues due to illness or injury.

Some breeds are even predisposed to specific dental ailments like gum disease, developmental abnormalities, and more. Depending on your dog’s breed, you may want to find a pet insurance provider with the best dental coverage to increase the likelihood of claims coverage.

I’ve researched some of the most common dental issues dogs can experience and read through more than 10 policies to give you the best dental insurance options for your pet. Keep in mind that there are many elements to pet insurance, but if dental coverage is your number one concern, I’ve got a lot of information to share with you below.

To read about all the pet insurance factors you should consider, I also recommend reading my comprehensive pet insurance guide.

What Are The Most Common Dental Issues For Pets?

Below are some of the most common dental disorders found in dogs and cats. Some of these are preventable with proper dental care, including wellness measures like tooth brushing, using the right toothpaste and regular vet checkups.

Gum Disease

Gum disease occurs when a bacterial infection of the tissue surrounding the teeth causes inflammation of the gums, ligaments that anchor the teeth, and surrounding bone. If untreated, dogs may suffer from tooth loss and deterioration of supporting tissue. Gum disease is the most common reason dogs experience tooth loss.

Certain breeds, genetics, age, and diet can be contributing factors to developing gum disease. There are two forms of gum disease: gingivitis and periodontitis.


Gingivitis occurs when the gums become inflamed because of bacterial plaque, but the ligaments and bone are unaffected. Symptoms include:

  • Swollen gums
  • Red or purple gums
  • Gums bleed on contact
  • Bad breath

Gingivitis is commonly diagnosed around age two. Fortunately, you can reverse gingivitis with proper teeth cleaning. But, if left untreated, it can lead to periodontitis.

Predisposed Breeds: Pugs, English Bulldogs, Boston Terriers, Shih Tzus, and Brussells Griffons


Periodontitis in dog

Periodontitis is more severe than gingivitis, including tissue damage to the gums, ligaments, and bone. It typically presents itself after years of plaque, tartar, and gingivitis. Unfortunately, it’s irreversible and causes permanent loss of tooth support.

This is more common in smaller breeds as opposed to larger ones. Dogs on a hard kibble diet tend to have fewer issues since the kibble can help clean the teeth as they chew. Back teeth and upper teeth are typically more affected by periodontitis than front teeth and lower teeth.

Periodontitis is commonly diagnosed around four to six years old. It’s treated by professional cleaning and often requires x-rays of the jaws to determine bone support. Extractions are common, and your vet may recommend specific oral hygiene care at home, including:

  • Daily tooth brushing
  • Diet changes
  • Plaque prevention gel
  • Oral rinses

Predisposed Breeds: Small and Toy Breeds, Dachshunds, Lhaso Apsos, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, Yorkies, Chihuahuas, Poodles, Maltese, and Pomeranians

Endodontic Disease

Endodontic Disease in dog

Endodontic disease, also known as pulpitis, occurs when the tooth’s living tissue, known as the pulp, is damaged or infected. The cause is usually an injury, fracture, enamel abnormality, or tooth decay.

Fractures are a common cause of pulpitis in dogs and can occur from an external trauma like aggressive play or a car accident or chewing bones, antlers, hard nylon toys, rocks, fences, etc.

There are two types of endodontic disease: reversible and irreversible. Reversible pulpitis is when the pulp is damaged but can heal. Irreversible pulpitis is when the pulp is dead and will need a root canal or extraction for treatment. Symptoms include:

  • Painful teeth that your pet won’t let you touch or tap
  • Tooth with reddish-brown, purple, or gray coloring
  • Visible fracture
  • Red or black hole on a crown
  • Facial swelling
  • Decreased appetite

Dogs are good at hiding their pain, which can make diagnosis difficult. A vet can take x-rays to help identify any affected teeth. Treatment includes root canal or tooth extraction.

Predisposed Breeds: Small and Toy Breeds, Dachshunds, Lhaso Apsos, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, Yorkies, Chihuahuas, Poodles, Maltese, Pomeranians, Labrador Retrievers, and German Shepherds

Developmental Abnormalities

Small Dog with Underbite
Small Dog with Underbite

These are commonly genetically inherited. Developmental abnormalities that affect your dog’s comfort, health, or function may require treatment. But if it’s merely an esthetic abnormality, it’s okay to leave it untreated.

Unerupted Teeth

Smaller breeds are prone to having teeth that remain under the gumline (unerupted teeth). Dogs with shorter and flatter heads (also known as brachycephalic breeds) can have unerupted teeth.

X-rays can help diagnose unerupted teeth and determine if a cyst is present. Cysts can be dangerous because they can destroy the jaw. It’s important to extract unerupted teeth to prevent further damage to the mouth.

Predisposed Breeds: Shih Tzus, Pugs, Bulldogs, Lhasa Apsos, Boston Terriers, and Maltese

Improper Bite

The growth and development of the mouth and teeth must occur in proper order or complications can arise. Various issues can occur, including:

  • Overbite (Collies, Shelties, and Dachshunds are predisposed)
  • Underbite (Boston Terriers, Pekingese, French Bulldogs, English Bulldogs, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, Pugs, Lhasa Apsos, Boxers, and Shih Tzus are predisposed)
  • Extra teeth
  • Incorrect position of a baby tooth
  • Delayed loss of baby teeth
  • Abnormal positioning or tilting of teeth (Shih Tzus, Pugs, Bulldogs, Lhasa Apsos, Boston Terriers, and Maltese are predisposed)
  • Crowding of teeth (Shih Tzus, Pugs, Bulldogs, Lhasa Apsos, Boston Terriers, and Maltese are predisposed)
  • Rotated teeth (Shih Tzus, Pugs, Bulldogs, Lhasa Apsos, Boston Terriers, and Maltese are predisposed)

Enamel Defects

As both baby and permanent teeth develop, fevers and chemical deposits within the tooth can create lasting damage. Canine distemper virus attacks the enamel-producing cells of the teeth and causes a fever. This deteriorates the enamel and causes it to be thinner. There are other diseases with fevers that can cause enamel to develop incorrectly as well.

Young dogs with severe malnutrition can experience enamel defects. If there are enamel defects in single teeth, it’s most likely due to trauma or infection. A common reason for infection is due to fractured baby teeth affecting the enamel of permanent teeth coming in. Some breeds are predisposed to enamel defects because they can inherit them from their parents.

Predisposed Breeds: Siberian Huskies, Samoyeds, and Standard Poodles

Trauma To The Face & Jaw

Trauma can include falls, aggressive chewing, fighting with other animals, car accidents, and more. Jaw fractures can occur due to periodontitis or cancer. Depending on the severity of the trauma, your vet may recommend a specific treatment.

Crown placement, root canals, and wound care are among the possible remedies. Various procedures can produce an array of costs, and treatment to the mouth can cause difficulty eating, resulting in a temporary feeding tube while healing occurs.

Find The Average Cost Of Dog Dental Treatments

Best Pet Dental Insurance

I took a fine-tooth comb and read through every detail in each pet insurance company’s sample policy. I list specific coverage and exclusions regarding tooth and dental procedures, injuries, illnesses, and definitions that I thought may be valuable for you to know if you’re concerned about a specific accident or illness.

Some pet insurance companies are more detailed in their policies than others, so some reviews have more information. And keep in mind that any dental illness or injury observed prior to the effective date of the policy or during a pet insurance company’s waiting period may not be covered and deemed pre-existing.

I chose my winners based on dental coverage alone. However, you can see my top ranked insurers in by reading my article about the best pet insurance. The information gathered below is taken straight from each company’s sample policy.

As always, I recommend you check with the pet insurance company before enrollment regarding what is and isn’t covered. The sample policies I read may be different from what’s active in your state.

Winner: Embrace Review

embrace pet insurance logo

Embrace is transparent about helping you avoid coverage surprises. It says: “To avoid coverage surprises, we strongly encourage you to complete a pre-certification form, which we shall provide upon request, and submit that form to us before your veterinary provider orders or performs a list of procedures, including surgery for dental injury.”

I like that Embrace offers multiple wellness plans, covers non-routine dental treatment, tooth extractions, trauma to teeth, face, and jaw, and more. Below are specifics it outlines in its sample policy.


  • Dental illness is an illness affecting the teeth and/or gums including but not limited to gingivitis, stomatitis, epulis, attrition, and gingival hyperplasia. This does not include FORLs or illnesses manifesting as oral diseases such as FELV gingivitis, feline bartonella infection, or auto-immune (eosinophilic) stomatitis.


  • Accidents resulting in dental trauma, burns, and fractures; (if shown as applicable on the schedule page(s)).
  • Accidental dental fractures that occur or first show signs after the end of the accident waiting period.
  • We will reimburse you for eligible veterinary treatment expenses caused by dental illness in excess of the deductible amount, subject to co-payment requirements and a $1,000 annual maximum sub-limit, for all treatment(s) except dental prophylaxis, for conditions that started after the waiting period and during the policy period.
  • Endodontic treatment for dental injuries, such as root canals and crowns, where deemed medically necessary.

Wellness Plan

Embrace offers three wellness plans ($250, $450, or $650 in total benefits) to choose from, which include coverage for:

  • Routine dental cleaning (with or without anesthesia)
  • Pet toothbrushes and toothpaste
  • Dental chews
  • Annual dental checkups
  • Teeth brushing by groomer or vet
  • Dietary dental supplements

Read My Full Review Of Embrace

Runner-Up: Pets Best Review

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Pets Best is very detailed on its dental coverage, having an entire section dedicated to it. I like that it offers an optional preventative plan to help cover dental cleaning expenses. It also covers non-routine dental treatment, including periodontal disease, tooth extractions, and trauma to the teeth, face, jaw, etc. Here are some key details I’d like to point out.


  • Periodontal disease is an infection and inflammation of the periodontium (the tissues that surround and support the teeth) due to plaque bacteria and your pet’s response to the bacterial insult. This includes both gingivitis and periodontitis. Learn more about dog teeth infections.


  • Beginning at 3 years of age, your pet’s teeth must have been cleaned and examined under general anesthesia by a veterinarian in the 13 months before the date of service for the periodontal disease claim. Any periodontal disease found during the exam must be treated before periodontal disease coverage becomes available for your pet.
    • If you comply with the above, the following is covered for periodontal disease:
      • Endodontic treatment for canine and carnassial teeth
      • Extractions
  • Endodontic treatment for canine and carnassial teeth and extraction for all teeth due to traumatic dental fractures and other oral traumas are covered as long as they aren’t caused by inappropriate chewing behavior that presented prior to the policy effective date or during the waiting period.
  • Your pet must be enrolled prior to becoming 6 months old for coverage including extractions for deciduous teeth, dentigerous cysts, enamel hypoplasia, and unerupted teeth.


  • Prophylaxis (defined as scaling, cleaning, and polishing of the teeth) or associated fees (including, but not limited to: anesthesia, pre-anesthetic blood work, and fluids), toothbrushes, toothpastes, dental foods, chews, preventive sealants, or rinses at any time or for any reason.
  • Endodontic treatment for teeth other than the canines and carnassials.
  • Open or closed root planing at any time for any reason.
  • Any treatment for supernumerary teeth, absent teeth, and malocclusion.
  • Preventative care (unless you purchase a Pets Best Wellness plan).

Wellness Plan

Pets Best also offers a wellness plan that includes $150 that can go toward teeth cleaning.

View My Full Review Of Pets Best

Third Place: Trupanion Review

trupanion logo 250 transparent

Trupanion has an entire section in its sample policy detailing its dental coverage. Although it doesn’t offer a preventative plan, it does offer coverage for many non-routine dental treatments, including tooth extractions, developmental abnormalities (if enrolled before six months old), and more.


  • Dental prophylaxis: Scaling, cleaning, and polishing of the teeth as well as associated fees, including but not limited to: anesthesia, pre-anesthetic blood work, and fluids.
  • Illness: Any sickness, disease, or any change to your pet’s normal healthy state not caused primarily by an injury, including dental illness.
  • Injury: Physical harm or damage to your pet caused by an event and is not more directly related to an underlying disease process, including dental injury.


  • Your pet’s teeth must be examined by a veterinarian at least once every 12 months.
  • If for any reason your pet’s teeth have not been examined by a veterinarian within the 12 months prior to the policy enrollment date, dental coverage starts from the date of your pet’s first dental examination after the policy enrollment date. In addition to all other terms and conditions, any illnesses or injuries found at such an examination or signs prior to such an examination will not be eligible for dental coverage.
  • You must follow your veterinarian’s advice about dental care, and if recommended, your pet must undergo dental prophylaxis performed by or under the direct supervision of a veterinarian within the recommended time frame. If your veterinarian does not provide a recommended time frame, then the specified treatment must be completed within 3 months of the date of the recommendation.


  • Veterinary treatment required due to dental illness and injury, subject to all other terms and conditions of this policy.


  • Dental prophylaxis at any time or for any reason.
  • Toothbrushes, toothpastes, dental foods, chews, rinses, or preventive dental care at any time or for any reason.
  • Open or closed root planing at any time or for any reason.
  • Any veterinary treatment related to retained deciduous teeth if your pet was enrolled at or after 6 months of age.
  • Veterinary treatment costs for teeth other than canine and carnassial teeth will be limited to the estimated extraction cost.

Read My Full Review Of Trupanion

Comparison Tables

The tables below show all the pet insurance companies we review to help you compare their policies easily. However, keep in mind that your policy may not be the same as the sample policies I read, so it’s extremely important to speak with a representative from the pet insurance company you’re interested in because coverage and exclusions may vary.


The comparison table below helps you get an idea of what dental coverage you can expect from each company.

*Wellness coverage is not an insurance product and only applies if you purchase it as an add-on.

Waiting Periods

Below are the applicable waiting periods* that each company requires before the policy goes into effect.

*Waiting periods for California, Delaware, Louisiana, Maine, Mississippi, Nebraska, New Hampshire, and Washington are as follows:

  • Accidents – 0 days
  • Illnesses – 14 days
  • Cruciate Ligament Conditions – 30 days
  • Routine Care – 0 days
*Wellness coverage is not an insurance product and only applies if you purchase it as an add-on.

Other Pet Insurance Companies

The companies listed below did not make my top rankings for best dental insurance, but I’ve looked at their sample policies in case you want to learn more.

24Petprotect | AKC Pet Insurance | ASPCA Pet Insurance | Companion Protect | Fetch | Figo | Hartville | Healthy Paws | MetLife | Nationwide | PetPartners | PetPremium

24Petprotect Review

24Petprotect logo

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24Petprotect isn’t among my top recommendations for dental coverage because of the exclusions listed below.


  • Aesthetic, cosmetic, endodontic, or orthodontic dental services such as caps, crowns or crown amputation, fillings, implants, and root canals or planing.
  • Dental cleanings unless used to treat a covered illness or covered by an applicable endorsement.

Wellness Plan

24Petprotect also offers wellness plans that include $100 or $150 that can go toward dental cleaning.

Read My Full Review Of 24Petprotect

AKC Pet Insurance Review

AKC Pet Insurance Logo

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Below are the specific details AKC Pet Insurance includes in its sample policy about dental and teeth-related incidences.


  • After satisfying the annual deductible indicated on the declarations page, we will reimburse you in accordance with your plan, less any limitations and exclusions, the amount after coinsurance for eligible covered expenses that are medically necessary to treat or diagnose a current covered incident showing symptoms during the policy period but after the waiting period, including but not limited to extractions to permanent broken teeth due to an accident.


  • Any conditions related to teeth including but not limited to gingivitis, periodontal disease, root canals, caps and crowns, vital pulpotomies, deciduous teeth, diseased and abscessed teeth (except medically necessary extractions for permanent broken teeth due to an accident). The cost of dental cleaning unless you purchase optional Defender/DefenderPlus coverage.

Wellness Plan

AKC Pet Insurance offers a wellness plan that includes $150 that can go toward teeth cleaning.

Read My Full Review of AKC Pet Insurance

ASPCA Pet Insurance Review

aspca logo 250 transparent

There’s not much explanation provided in the ASPCA policy except these two exclusions.


  • Aesthetic, cosmetic, endodontic, or orthodontic dental services such as caps, crowns or crown amputation, fillings, implants, and root canals or planing.
  • Dental cleanings unless used to treat a covered illness or covered by an applicable endorsement.

Wellness Plan

ASPCA offers two wellness plans that include $100 or $150 that can go toward dental cleaning.

Read My Full Review Of ASPCA Pet Insurance

Companion Protect Review

Companion Protect logo

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Companion Protect doesn’t include many details about dental coverage in its sample policy.


  • Dental Treatment not as a result of damage from an Accident.

Wellness Coverage

The Covered Pet is entitled to an annual wellness exam from an In-Network Veterinarian at no cost.

Read My Full Review Of Companion Protect

Fetch Review

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Fetch’s sample policy doesn’t discuss many dental illnesses or injuries, which could be good or bad. I’d recommend asking specifically about what types of coverage you can expect for your pet concerning teeth and other dental needs.


  • In consideration of the premium charged, it is hereby agreed that, as a condition of this insurance, you must take care of your pet and arrange and pay for your pet to have the following:
    • An annual examination by a veterinarian.
    • An annual dental exam.
    • Any treatment normally suggested by a veterinarian to prevent illness or injury.


  • Costs arising out of or related to any treatment for oral health, including but not limited to dental disease, malocclusions and deciduous teeth, where clinical sign(s) (including, but not limited to, tartar, gingivitis, pulp exposure or halitosis) were observed prior to the effective date of the policy or during the waiting period beginning on the effective date of this policy.

Wellness Plan

Fetch also offers three wellness plans that include $75, $100, or $125 that can go toward teeth cleaning.

Read My Full Review Of Fetch

Figo Review

figo logo 250 transparent

Figo doesn’t detail many tooth and dental-related items in its sample policy. However, I did some digging and discovered that it offers excellent coverage for more costly dental illnesses like gum disease and endodontics. Also, I like that it covers non-routine dental treatments. See below for more details listed in its sample policy.


  • Dental health care, however if injury to teeth is caused by an accident, we do cover the cost of extractions of damaged teeth and of reconstruction of upper and lower canine teeth.
  • Claims for teeth cleanings, except as provided under the Wellness Benefit if purchased. Gingivitis and progressive periodontal disease caused by the accumulation of tartar is not a covered expense.

Wellness Plan

Figo also offers two wellness plans that include $40 or $75 that can go toward teeth cleaning.

View My Full Review Of Figo

Hartville Review

Hartville Pet Insurance Logo

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Below are the details in Hartville’s policy regarding dental coverage.


  • Your policy reimburses actual costs for covered expenses related to the diagnosis and treatment of injuries resulting from an accident, up to the annual limit noted on your declarations page. Eligible accident expenses include tooth extractions.


  • Aesthetic, cosmetic, endodontic, or orthodontic dental services such as caps, crowns or crown amputation, fillings, implants, and root canals or planing.
  • Dental cleanings unless used to treat a covered illness or covered by an applicable endorsement.

Wellness Plan

Hartville offers two wellness plans that include $100 or $150 that can go toward dental cleaning.

Read My Full Review Of Hartville

Healthy Paws Review

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Healthy Paws says it will cover elements of dental health care if caused by injury from an accident. It will not cover routine dental care (this is fairly common practice for pet insurance providers unless you purchase a wellness plan).


  • Dental health care is the care required to maintain dental hygiene for your pet. This includes cleaning, brushing, scaling, polishing, extractions, and reconstructions.


  • Dental health care, however if injury to teeth is caused by an accident, we do cover the cost of extraction and/or reconstruction of damaged teeth.
  • Claims in any way arising from the lack of use and/or implementation of preventive healthcare products and/or methods when such products and/or methods would be in accordance with generally accepted veterinary standards. Routine healthcare includes: vaccinations, flea control, heartworm medication, de-worming, dental care, ear plucking, grooming, and prudent regular care.

Read My Full Review Of Healthy Paws

Metlife Review

MetLife pet insurance logo 250 png

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Metlife has more detail about dental coverage in its sample policy than some of its competitors.


  • Dental illness is an illness affecting the teeth and/or gums.


  • Accidents resulting in dental trauma.
  • Treatment required due to dental illness and injury, subject to policy limitations and exclusions.
  • Endodontic treatment for dental injuries, such as root canals and crowns, where deemed medically necessary by our medical director.


  • Veterinary treatment for dental illness as specified below:
    • Toothbrushes, toothpastes, dental foods, chews, rinses, or preventive dental care, including prophylaxis, at any time or for any reason.
    • Open or closed deep cleaning at any time or for any reason.
    • Removal of deciduous teeth.

Wellness Plan

Metlife offers five wellness plans that include $50, $100, or $150 to go toward teeth cleaning.

Read My Full Review Of Metlife

Nationwide Review

nationwide logo 250 transparent

If you’re worried about your pet’s dental coverage, Nationwide isn’t the most comprehensive choice because it lists many related exclusions.


  • Diagnosis or treatment for: (1) removal or treatment of deciduous (baby) teeth; (2) cosmetic dental restoration including veneers, crowns, caps, or other prosthetic devices; (3) temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disease; (4) enamel hypoplasia; (5) gingivitis; or (6) tooth hygiene or appearance including teeth cleaning and polishing.

Wellness Plan

Nationwide offers two wellness plans, but neither includes dental cleaning like most competitors do.

Read My Full Review Of Nationwide Pet Insurance

PetPartners Review

PetPartners Logo

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Below are the specific details PetPartners includes in its sample policy about dental and teeth-related incidences.


  • After satisfying the annual deductible indicated on the declarations page, we will reimburse you in accordance with your plan, less any limitations and exclusions, the amount after coinsurance for eligible covered expenses that are medically necessary to treat or diagnose a current covered incident showing symptoms during the policy period but after the waiting period, including but not limited to extractions to permanent broken teeth due to an accident.


  • Any conditions related to teeth including but not limited to gingivitis, periodontal disease, root canals, caps and crowns, vital pulpotomies, deciduous teeth, diseased and abscessed teeth (except medically necessary extractions for permanent broken teeth due to an accident). The cost of dental cleaning unless you purchase optional Defender/DefenderPlus coverage.

Wellness Plan

PetPartners offers a wellness plan that includes $150 that can go toward teeth cleaning.

Read My Full Review Of PetPartners

PetPremium Review

PetPremium Logo with tagline: Happy. Healthy and Protected

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Below are the details for PetPremium’s dental coverage.


  • Dental disease, such as gingivitis and periodontal disease, as well as extractions of puppy teeth.


  • Aesthetic, cosmetic, endodontic, or orthodontic dental services such as caps, crowns or crown amputation, fillings, implants, and root canals or planing.
  • Dental cleanings unless used to treat a covered illness or covered by an applicable endorsement.

Wellness Plan

PetPremium offers two wellness plans that include an unlisted amount of money toward dental cleaning.

Read My Full Review Of PetPremium

How To Choose The Best Pet Insurance?

Dental coverage is important to you, but it shouldn’t be the only thing on your mind. Pets can experience other accidents and illnesses throughout their lives that you want to have coverage for as well.

I suggest you keep the following criteria in mind when choosing a pet insurance provider:

  1. Policy Coverage & Claim Repayment: Use my helpful comparison tables to review what each pet insurance provider covers and excludes, waiting periods, plan options, age restrictions, average claim repayment, and more.
  2. Customer Service & Reputation: Read the pros and cons listed for each pet insurance company, comments on our pet insurance content, and more.
  3. Price: Gather quotes for your pet from top pet insurance companies using our quote form.

Remember, you know your dog better than anyone else so only you can make this decision. However, I can help you become more informed and navigate this tricky subject.


To determine the best dental insurance for pets, we analyzed more than 40 pet U.S. insurance companies to provide an unbiased breakdown of how providers compare against one another. Our in-depth research includes:

  • running thousands of price quotes
  • reading hundreds of customer reviews
  • scrutinizing every policy from top to bottom and reading all the fine print
  • scoping out the purchase process
  • speaking with customer service representatives
  • having firsthand experience submitting claims with companies
  • comparing plan customization details
  • examining how long it takes to receive reimbursement
  • factoring in company history and years in the pet insurance marketplace
  • meeting with company representatives to discuss changes related to the industry, their company, and their offerings
  • requiring national experience for companies

Unlike many other review sites, we refuse to let pet insurance companies pay for the top spot in our rankings. Companies must earn their position in our comparisons by performing well in the marketplace. We also point out each company’s pros and cons in light of their competitor’s strengths. In doing so for over a decade, we’ve helped pet parents make more educated decisions among the top pet insurance options. Pet insurance providers read our reviews, regularly check them for accuracy, and value our input to help create positive industry changes and better protect your pets. We only recommend the best of the best because it’s what our readers deserve.

Why Trust Canine Journal?

Canine Journal has been covering the topic of pet insurance since 2012, well before other conglomerates discovered the rising popularity of health care for our pets. Many of our authors have personal experience with pet insurance, including Kimberly Alt, who has been Canine Journal’s go-to author for pet insurance for over a decade, having written about nearly every possible facet related to pet insurance. Kimberly knows the subject so well that she can answer a breadth and depth of pet insurance questions immediately. And on the rare occasion she doesn’t know the answer off the top of her head, she can find it within minutes due to her extensive list of resources. Kimberly also consulted with Michelle Schenker, Canine Journal’s in-house licensed insurance agent, for additional expertise, to ensure accuracy, and give Canine Journal the authority to write about and assist readers in purchasing policies legally. Kimberly and Michelle each read sample policies from the insurance companies to provide specific information regarding dental coverage.

Sources: Merck Vet Manual, Braxton’s Animal Works