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Some Incarcerated Youths Will Get Health Care After Release Under New Law

Valentino Valdez was given his birth certificate, his Social Security card, a T-shirt, and khaki pants when he was released from a Texas...

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Some Incarcerated Youths Will Get Health Care After Release Under New Law

Valentino Valdez was given his birth certificate, his Social Security card, a T-shirt, and khaki pants when he was released from a Texas...

A Primer on Health Equity Research – Healthcare Economist

According to the World Health Organization, “Three distinguishing features, when combined, turn mere variations or differences in health into a social inequity in...

Most Insurance Covers IUDs. Hers Cost More Than $14,000.

Julie Appleby, KFF Health News During her annual OB-GYN visit, Callie Anderson asked about getting off the birth control pill. “We decided the best option...

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Covered California Hits Record Enrollment, but Key Subsidies in Jeopardy

Covered California, the state’s health insurance marketplace, has hit a record 1.8 million enrollees and the number could climb higher ahead of a...

Can a new President make health policy changes on ‘Day One?’

When a new Commander in Chief takes office – and their...

CMS comes out with List of Drugs for 2027 Price Negotiation – Healthcare Economist

From the CMS document “Medicare Drug Price Negotiation Program: Selected Drugs for Initial PriceApplicability Year 2027“: On January 17, 2025, CMS announced the selection...

Cinco cambios críticos que puede sufrir Medicaid bajo Trump

Durante la presidencia de Joe Biden, la inscripción en Medicaid alcanzó un nivel récord y la tasa de personas sin seguro médico llegó...

Hello, Trump. Bye-Bye, Biden. – KFF Health News

The Host Incoming President Donald Trump’s inauguration is Monday, yet the new GOP-led Congress is already rushing to work his priorities into legislation, eyeing...

New California Laws Target Medical Debt, AI Care Decisions, Detention Centers

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — As the nation braces for potential policy shifts under President-elect Donald Trump’s “Make America Healthy Again” mantra, the nation’s most...

Trump’s Return Puts Medicaid on the Chopping Block

Under President Joe Biden, enrollment in Medicaid hit a record high and the uninsured rate reached a record low. Donald Trump’s return to the...

How big is the 2025 Medicare rate cut for physicians? – Healthcare Economist

At the end of last year, CMS finalized a rate cut for Medicare reimbursement to physicians. The CMS Fact Sheet states: ...

New Year, New Congress, New Health Agenda

The Host Julie Rovner KFF Health News @jrovner Read Julie's stories. Julie Rovner is chief Washington correspondent and host of KFF Health News’ weekly health policy news...

Addressing Health Inequities Experienced by Women

At Independence Blue Cross (IBX), we’ve made a powerful commitment to advancing health equity in the communities we serve. That starts with acknowledging...

Life sciences companies falling behind? – Healthcare Economist

That is what an analysis from PwC finds, at least with respect to stock market returns. Our PwC equal-weight index of 50 pharma...

Medicaid Expansion Debate Will Affect Other Health Policy Issues Before Montana Legislature

HELENA, Mont. — A last-minute change to a 2019 bill put an end date on Montana’s Medicaid expansion program, setting the stage for...