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HomeLife InsuranceOverweight for Life Insurance or Mortgage Protection in 2024?

Overweight for Life Insurance or Mortgage Protection in 2024?

Complete this questionnaire and I’ll send you a quote taking your BMI into account

30-second summary

  • The standard price for life insurance and mortgage protection is possible if your BMI is less than 32 and you’re otherwise in perfect health.
  • BMI of 32 to a BMI of 50 (females) and 45 (males), you’ll get cover at a higher premium.
  • The higher your BMI, the higher your premium. A BMI of 32+ will pay 50% more, and a BMI of 45 may pay three times the normal price.
  • Up to a BMI of 40, you should be able to get mortgage protection without the need for a nurse medical (insurer-dependent)
  • Females with a BMI of 50-55 and males with a BMI of 45-49 : cover is possible but not guaranteed, it  depends on age (more difficult if you are under 40), smoker status, and any other health issues (BP, cholesterol)

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